PG02 Progress Blog

Kat Lee Hornstein //  Ravensbourne //  MA Interactive Digital Media
What is This?  


Avatars, Accomplices & Alter Egos
September 20 – October 27 2017

Preparing a “gallery”:

Final Prep for presentation documented here.

When we present this, it will be in the form of a mini pop up gallery, and we want to take that as seriously as possible even though it’s just a small space cornered off in the PG area. 

We’ve now set this up for tomorrow and are feeling excited about the final outcome. 

The project title SENSE OF SELF Sarah & I worked on looks disturbing displayed on top of Sarah’s lightbox from home 

We’ve prepared a small flyer describing what SENSE OF SELF is all about & have those printed on display near the signage. 

The plynths on which the sculptures are mounted have been painted white. Sculptures are nailed/glued/screwed down.

The synopsis I wrote has been printed onto clear plastic sticker sheets to be applied to the plynths. Sarah and I spent a good hour wrestling with the printer but it was worth it. 

I have to say My personal favorite touch is the “discarded skin” jar. 

✪  ✪  ✪


Avatars, Accomplices & Alter Egos
September 20 – October 27 2017