Today, we tried out an online system where you upload a photograph of yourself and based on the photo, it generates a 3D model of your face.
Try it here.
We figured once again seeing ourselves this way would help us move forward conceptually.
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how accurately the system worked. Using only a photograph, they weren’t wildly off.
Personally, I notice things about my face that are different. I have a broken nose therefore a small bump at the top (bane of my existence). The photograph doesn’t really show that because it’s straight on. So when the system makes my 3D face, there’s no bump. It’s actually quite annoying to see because I often wonder how I’d look without the bump, now I know, and hate it even more.
This is good continued research for us because we all had such strong feelings about how we looked here. Surely terrifying once again we crossed into the uncanny valley. But beyond that, just seeing your facial features mapped out is difficult and disturbing and you find yourself feeling intensely critical of your own appearance.
Try it here.
We figured once again seeing ourselves this way would help us move forward conceptually.
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by how accurately the system worked. Using only a photograph, they weren’t wildly off.
Personally, I notice things about my face that are different. I have a broken nose therefore a small bump at the top (bane of my existence). The photograph doesn’t really show that because it’s straight on. So when the system makes my 3D face, there’s no bump. It’s actually quite annoying to see because I often wonder how I’d look without the bump, now I know, and hate it even more.
This is good continued research for us because we all had such strong feelings about how we looked here. Surely terrifying once again we crossed into the uncanny valley. But beyond that, just seeing your facial features mapped out is difficult and disturbing and you find yourself feeling intensely critical of your own appearance.