MISS KOREA 2013: A Study in Homogenized Beauty
Friday Sept 22
Friday Sept 22
I recalled years ago reading about the Miss Korea 2013 Pageant and how the contestants “all looked the same.” Now of course upon first reading that you might want to scream RACIST (I certainly do, and have done) but what the article referred to was not the ethnic features of the models involved (i.e. the problematic fallacies that everyone from one race looks the same.)
Rather it referred to the popularity and acceptance of plastic surgery as the beauty norm in the region.
If anything the features of the women were all being massively westernized; Double, widened eyes with lids, shaved jaws, slender noses. Eliminating the soft round face for a doll like idealized version of woman influenced by world beauty standards.
One of the more disturbing results of this observation in it’s day was the GIF that someone made of the contestants (thank god for the internet.) That can be seen here:
This eerie series of images shows different contestants from the contest in succession.
The surgeries discussed are obvious (shaved Jaw, widened eyes, double lids, slender nose.)
(all contestants)
I will reiterate this is NOT A COMMENT ON RACE, but a comment on the beauty standards expected in a certain region and the resulting homogenization of looks.