PG02 Progress Blog
Kat Lee Hornstein // Ravensbourne // MA Interactive Digital Media
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✪ Avatars, Accomplices & Alter Egos ✪
September 20 – October 27 2017
Logo Design & Latex Display: Final Layout
This was a REALLY fun part to work on. Sarah and I did this together. I worked out the logo design, aesthetics based on the nature of project and sculptures themselves. It was Sarah’s idea to sit acrylic letter’s in latex. I had no idea at the start that it would work so well, so major kudos to my partner here.
I usd the Laser cutting machine upstairs for the very first time and it was totally exciting. I was shocked at how easy it was. I have a feeling I’ll use that a bunch more this year if only for the fun of it.
Next Sarah built a frame that we poured latex into at the same dimensions of the acrylic laser cut letter sheet. Once one layer was down and semi-dry (not completely dry) we went through a delicate process of dropping the letters down. Varying between darker red tones and the original latex we ended up with a decidedly fleshy sign for our exhibit.
We’re thinking we will display it on a lightbox like an X ray...
As a backup incase this didn’t work we also used the acrylic sheet the letters were cut out of as a guide to make actual latex letters. Turns out that was also successful but we went with the first concept anyhow.
the IG post here has a really satisfying latex pour video and shots from our processes. Plus some bonus shots of Sarah and I at work & the title design below.
Title Design
Ready for the Laser Cutter
I usd the Laser cutting machine upstairs for the very first time and it was totally exciting. I was shocked at how easy it was. I have a feeling I’ll use that a bunch more this year if only for the fun of it.
Next Sarah built a frame that we poured latex into at the same dimensions of the acrylic laser cut letter sheet. Once one layer was down and semi-dry (not completely dry) we went through a delicate process of dropping the letters down. Varying between darker red tones and the original latex we ended up with a decidedly fleshy sign for our exhibit.
We’re thinking we will display it on a lightbox like an X ray...
As a backup incase this didn’t work we also used the acrylic sheet the letters were cut out of as a guide to make actual latex letters. Turns out that was also successful but we went with the first concept anyhow.
the IG post here has a really satisfying latex pour video and shots from our processes. Plus some bonus shots of Sarah and I at work & the title design below.
Title Design