PG02 Progress Blog
Kat Lee Hornstein // Ravensbourne // MA Interactive Digital Media
What is This?
✪ Avatars, Accomplices & Alter Egos ✪
September 20 – October 27 2017
The one where Kat & Alliah have a baby
(Friends title reference, kudos if you got that)
Through our research and experiments blending our faces together we reminisced about those weird online generators named things like “WHAT WILL OUR BABIES LOOK LIKE *heart emojis*” or “MAKE ME BABIES dot com” you know, real high quality stuff.
Was interesting to see how the algorithms tried to blend our features. Looks not unlike the “faces of the future” project in some ways, no? Our faces couln’t be more different really. Alliana’s features are much softer, her nose flatter. Almond eyes. Meanwhile I have a massive nose, big chin etc. A “bold” face for better or worse.
You can also see totally where my hat got into the photo. would like to know something about how these algorithms work actually. Default photo blending...
Just good fun, but worthwhile fun.