Friday Sept 29
To continue familiarizing myself with Avatar concepts in film I watched THE CONGRESS, which was recommended to us By Beatrice during the research processes during Class.
{{ I actually ended up watching through this several times: I have to admit to occasionally losing wifi so I have to watch whatever happens to be on my machine at the time. I can’t claim great academic willpower by pretending I truly wished to watch it so many times for the sake of the project. That said I’m glad it happened because it’s such a wild movie you really miss a lot watching it through once. And truth told it’s so overwhelming that you wouldn’t necessarily gravitate towards watching it repeat times like I have. But when you do you see so many small connections and visual details you miss the first time round. }}
What’s most interesting to me all things considered about this film
It also feels like 2 films.
The whole introduction to the film pictured below is
Very Sci Fi.
Very lonely feeling. Stark imagery. Tense arguments and a lasting sadness.
My screenshots ------>
I love this scene where here character is being scanned.
{{ I actually ended up watching through this several times: I have to admit to occasionally losing wifi so I have to watch whatever happens to be on my machine at the time. I can’t claim great academic willpower by pretending I truly wished to watch it so many times for the sake of the project. That said I’m glad it happened because it’s such a wild movie you really miss a lot watching it through once. And truth told it’s so overwhelming that you wouldn’t necessarily gravitate towards watching it repeat times like I have. But when you do you see so many small connections and visual details you miss the first time round. }}
What’s most interesting to me all things considered about this film
It also feels like 2 films.
The whole introduction to the film pictured below is
Very Sci Fi.
Very lonely feeling. Stark imagery. Tense arguments and a lasting sadness.
My screenshots ------>
I love this scene where here character is being scanned.
Then of course the entire second half, or 3/4 of the second half (what’s with the fractions?) is in the Cartoon World and it’s like an acid trip and a half.
What I enjoy most about the second half are the “selves” people choose to become once they are permanently in this world.
They propose that ego disappears because anyone can be whatever and whomever they want to be.
Seems to be a lot of Jesuses (How does one even spell plural Jesus) around?
Also spot a Joan of Arc, a Frida Kahlo, a Buddha
I wonder if they are purposefully showing us that is in fact a lie, that they are “ego”less, as to me choosing to appear as famous people or deities doesn’t seem to me like ego disappearing.
Rather it seems like the ultimate ego fulfillment.